Various Ion Source/LEBT Drawings
Ion Source
21C8406A Ion Source Assembly: DXF PDF
21C8481 Ion Source Water Flow Diagram: DXF PDF
Ion Source Outlet Electrode Subassembly
21C8934A Outlet Electrode Assembly: DXF PDF
21C8454C Iron Pole Plate: DXF PDF
21C8414A Copper-Iron Brazement: DXF PDF
21C9951A Dipole Magnets: DXF PDF
21C9963B Magnets Assembly: DXF PDF
21C9941 Segmented Magnets: DXF PDF
21C8473A Aperture Plate: DXF PDF
21C8924C Electron Dump Electrode: DXF PDF
21C8444C Filter Magnet: DXF PDF
21C8434C Cesium Collar: DXF PDF
21C9302A Insulating Spacers: DXF PDF
21G7593 Stainless Steel Shield: DXF PDF
21G7621 Spark Gap: DXF PDF
21G7631 Modified 4-40 Screw: DXF PDF
21G8061 Thermocouple Feedthru: DXF PDF
Ion Source Plasma Chamber Subassembly
21G8074 Plasma Chamber Magnet Assembly: DXF PDF
21C9894A Welded Assembly: DXF PDF
21C9786B Plasma Chamber: DXF PDF
21C6396B Cusp Magnet Body: DXF PDF
21C9982A Cusp Magnet cover ring: DXF PDF
21C9903A Modified Ultra-torr fitting: DXF PDF
21C9912A Ceramic Insulators: DXF PDF
Ion Source Backflange
Ion Source Backflange Subassembly Pkg.: PDF  (This package of drawings contains all below PDFs)
21G7543B Ion Source Backflange Assembly: PDF  DXF
21C9874B Ion Source Backflange: PDF  DXF
21G7723 Backflange Weldment: PDF  DXF
21G7711 LeGris Water fitting prep: PDF  DXF
21G7732 Backflange weld nipple: PDF  DXF
21G7802 Alumina antenna Seal Assembly: PDF  DXF
21G7782A Antenna Seal Feedthru: PDF  DXF
21G7792 Antenna Seal Clamp: PDF  DXF
21C8423 RF Antenna: PDF  DXF
21C9992A Backflange magnet cover: PDF  DXF
21G7552 Gas Inlet flange: PDF  DXF
21C8502 Cusp Magnets: PDF  DXF
Ion Source Tilt Mechanism
21G7584 Tilt Mechanism Assembly: DXF PDF
21C9814A Bellows Flange: DXF PDF
21C9826 Fixed Flange: DXF PDF
21C9836 Support Cylinder: DXF PDF
21C9844 Pin Retaining Ring: DXF PDF
21C9852 Pillow Block, Outer: DXF PDF
21C9862 Pillow Block, Inner: DXF PDF
Diagnostics Equipment
Diagnostic Spool Package: PDF  (Revised package to included updated dwgs.)
21C9926 Diagnostic Spool: DXF PDF
21C9934 Diagnostic Spool Endplate: DXF PDF
21G8986A Temp Last LEBT Electrode: DXF PDF
Faraday Cup
M7892 Faraday Cup Eng. Note:  PDF ONLY (2Mb)
Vacuum System
Vacuum Chamber
M8047 Vacuum Systems Eng. Note:  PDF (1.5 Mb)
25B0696A Initial Vac. Cbr fab: DXF PDF
(Technically obsolete, but included anyway)
25B0786A Vac chamber Page 1: DXF PDF
25B0786A Vac chamber Page 2: DXF PDF
25B0776A Rect. Flange: DXF PDF
25B0726A Bulkhead Flange: DXF PDF
Insulator Flange
M8048 Insulator Flange Engineering Note:  PDF ONLY (15Mb)
21G8964A LEBT Insulator Flange Assembly: DXF PDF
21G8126 65 kV Insulator: DXF PDF
21C9976A LEBT Slip Flange: DXF PDF
21G8131 Brass Alignment Plugs: DXF PDF
21G8994A Reentrant Spacer Flange: DXF PDF
Epoxy Insulator Casting Mold
21G7466 Mold Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7386A Mold Backplate: DXF PDF
21G7396A Mold Midplate: DXF PDF
21G7442 Mold Topplate: DXF PDF
21G7433 Mold Outer Ring Flange: DXF PDF
21G7422 Mold Rings: DXF PDF
21G7453 Wooden Screen Mandrel: DXF PDF
Vac. Flanges
21G7514 Viewport/Gauge Weldment: DXF PDF
21G7504 Viewport/Gauge Flange Machining: DXF PDF
21G8104 Viewport/Feedthru Flange Weldment: DXF PDF
21G8084 Viewport/Feedthru Flange Machining: DXF PDF
21G8114 Modified NW160 Flange Machining: DXF PDF
21G8094 Feedthru Flange Machining: DXF PDF
21G7754 LEBT Viewport HV Feedthru Flange: DXF PDF
Support Flanges
25B0876 Stand Face - Vacuum Chamber: DXF PDF
25B0886 Stand Foot - Vacuum Chamber: DXF PDF
LEBT Assembly
FE-MS-010 LEBT Assembly Drawing Package: PDF
21G7356A LEBT Assembly: DXF PDF
25B0716A Reentrant Cylinder: DXF PDF
21G7313 Electrode Hi-voltage connect: DXF PDF
21G7322 Split Hi-voltage feed-thru connect: DXF PDF
Alignment Fixtures
21G7836 Alignment Flange Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7802 Clamp Ring: DXF PDF
21G7812 Centering Ring Clamp: DXF PDF
21G7826 Alignment Flange Machining: DXF PDF
21G7881 Extractor Centering Bushing: DXF PDF
21G7841 Extractor-G3 Spacer: DXF PDF
21G7851 G3 Centering Bushing: DXF PDF
21G7861 Ground Spacer: DXF PDF
21G7871 Ground Centering Bushing: DXF PDF
21G7891 Chopper Centering Bushing 1: DXF PDF
21G7901 Chopper Centering Bushing 2: DXF PDF
Extractor Electrode
21G7004A Extractor Electrode Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7014B Extractor Electrode Body: DXF PDF
21G7023 Extractor Electrode Clamp Ring: DXF PDF
21G7403A Extractor Electrode Aperture: DXF PDF
G3 Electrode
21G7044A G3 Electrode Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7054 G3 Electrode Body: DXF PDF
21G7063 G3 Electrode Clamp Ring: DXF PDF
21G7413A G3 Electrode Aperture: DXF PDF
Ground Electrode
21G7086A Ground Electrode Machining: DXF PDF
Chopper Electrode
21G7096B Chopper Electrode First Machining: DXF PDF
21G7106B Chopper Electrode Second Machining: DXF PDF
21G7114A Chopper Electrode Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7114A Chopper Electrode Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7362 Ceramic Standoff Key, Round: DXF PDF
21G7372 Ceramic Standoff Key, Rectangular: DXF PDF
Ground Insulator Standoffs
21G7153 Main Ground Ins. Shield, Outer: DXF PDF
21G7163 Main Ground Ins. Shield, Clamp: DXF PDF
21G7182A Main Ground Ins. Shield, Inner: DXF PDF
21G7172 Main Ground Insulator: DXF PDF
21G7263A Main Ground Insulator Assembly: DXF PDF
21G7301A Main Support Holdoff Washer: DXF PDF
Extractor Insulator Standoffs
21G7223 Extractor Insulator Shield, Outer: DXF PDF
21G7242 Extractor Insulator Shield, Inner: DXF PDF
21G7231 Extractor Insulator: DXF PDF
21G7282A Extractor Insulator Assembly: DXF PDF
G3 Insulator Standoffs
21G7193A G3 Insulator Shield, Outer: DXF PDF
21G7212 G3 Insulator Shield, Inner: DXF PDF
21G7202 G3 Insulator: DXF PDF
21G7272A G3 Insulator Assembly: DXF PDF
Chopper Insulator Standoffs
21G7123A Chopper Insulator Shield, Outer: DXF PDF
21G7142 Chopper Insulator Shield, Inner: DXF PDF
21G7132 Chopper Insulator: DXF PDF
21G7252A Chopper Insulator Assembly: DXF PDF