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Heat Shrinkable Stress Control Tubing

Heat Shrinkable Stress Control Tubings are used to control high electrical stresses at insulation screen terminating point in high voltage plastic and paper insulated cable joints and terminations up to 36KV. They also control the high stresses over the connectors in joints. The Stress Control Tubings are made from thermally stabilised cross linked high Permitivity and high resistivity polymeric material. pic10.gif (13316 bytes)

Material Specifications
Product color - Black
Characteristics Value Test Methods
Physical Properties
Specific gravity 1.2+0.2 ASTM D-1505 / ISO1183
Water absorption 1%(max) ASTM D-570 / ISO62
Tensile strength 10 N/sqmm (min) ASTM D-412 / ISO 37
Ultimate elongation 200%(min) ASTM D-412 / ISO 37
Hardness 45+3 Shore D ASTM D-2240
Thermal Ageing Tests (120° C for 500 hrs)
Tensile strength 8 N/sqmm(min.) ASTM D-412 / ISO 37
Ultimate elongation 100%(min.) ASTM D-412 / ISO 37
Thermal Tests
Heat shock(30min,200°C) No Cracking / No flow ESI 09-13
Low temp. Flexibility(-40°C) No Cracking ASTM D-2671
Flammability Self extinguishing ASTM D-2671-B
Electrical Properties
Volume resistivity 109 Ohms-cm (min) ASTM D-257 /IEC 93
Dielectric constant 15(min.) ASTM D-150/ IEC 250
Chemical Properties
Fungus resistance <1 ASTM G-21
Salt spray test No Pitting / no corrosion ASTM B-117
Chemical resistance immersion in following liquids-NaoH(40%), H2SO4(3%), Toluene, Acetone for 24hrs at room temp. Good (No visual defects) ISO - 175
Size Dia D T
Min. Max. +20%
26/12 26 12 2.0
30/15 30 15 2.0
45/20 45 20 2.5
50/25 50 25 2.5
65/30 65 30 2.5
76/38 76 38 2.5
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  • All dimensions are in mm
  • E-As supplied
  • D-Internal diameter without adhesive coating
  • Drawing depicts typical dimensions
  • S-After free recovery
  • L-Length as per requirement

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