From: 11/13/01 1:35 PM Subject: NTX magnet mtg. 11/9/01To: David N Beck , DLVanecek , SSYU , Gary Ritchie NTX magnet mtg. 11/9/01. David Beck, Gary Ritchie, Derek Shuman, Dave Vanecek present. Please review for correctness. 1. Coil forms: A. Gary and Dave? suggested breaking up the intergroove lands into islands to assist in filling under the wire. Derek had concerns about trapping voids from "backflow", and additional electrical stress concentrations. Gary will set up a potting test that will use machined groove specimens from the shop samples and straight stretched conductor to see how well the epoxy will capillary up the groove; with continuous lands and with islands. Shop samples should be as long as the coil form grooves are. The shop will choose whether to use a circular saw type cutter or an end mill type cutter, subject to our approval regarding groove quality. B. Derek found fatigue data on electrical stresses perpendicular to thin epoxy glass laminates that can likely be adjusted for the ratio of DC dielectric strength between parallel and perpendicular fields in G-10 (~1:3) to allow a rough calculation of fatigue life for adjacent conductors between coils 1 and 4 (4.0 kV voltage difference). Nominal electrical stress gradient in this location corresponds to a fatigue life of better than 1000 hrs @ 50 Hz. Since this calculation assumes bare conductors, no extra insulation appears to be needed. The leads will have extra insulation (heat shrink/melt tubing) though, for damage resistance. C. Order for coil form material has been submitted, cost not to exceed $4k. (4) four ft. pieces are ordered; enough for 8 coil forms. D. Derek has changed groove dimensions slightly, to add radii at the bottom of the groove, and to obtain sufficient clearance for proper filling. Check CAD file ~dshuman/HIF/NTX/CAD/ntx_oct_xsec (11/12/01 or later) for 2. Core laminations: Dave V. will finish the drawing; Derek will spec and order the material. If the steel supplier cannot do a 4-way shuffle on the laminations, we will do it here; then send it on to the fab vendor. Derek will check on this possibility (again). A 4-way shuffle will minimize both the thickness variations and the magnetic anisotropy. There is enough time in the schedule to do this. 3. Potting mold and mandrel: David B. is working with the shops to determine a good mandrel design. The mandrel need not be present in the potting mold if substantial internal flanges are present, as appears to be the case. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Derek Shuman Mechanical Engineer Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Derek Shuman Mechanical Engineer Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory HTML Mail Mailstop 47-112 1 Cyclotron Rd. Fax: 510-486-5392 Berkeley Work: 510-486-4662 CA Conference Software Address 94720 Default Directory Server Additional Information: Last Name Shuman First Name Derek Version 2.1