Missing File Menu…


If you are missing your OneSpace Designer “File” file menu perform the following steps.


1)      Navigate to U:\sd_customize\sd_customize_11 and delete the win_menubar.def file


2)      Navigate to U:\sd_customize\sd_customize_11\ANNOTATION and delete the win_menubar.def file.


3)      In OSD go to: Customize / Menu / Reset to bring back the File menu




4)      Switch over to Annotation then go to : Customize / Menu / Reset to bring back the Annotation File menu if it is missing.





5)      While OSD is still running navigate to C:\Program Files\CoCreate\OSD_Modeling_version and double click on “ResetUISettings.bat”, then click OK




      Your File menu should now be restored.


6)      Once you have confirmed that this is fixed export your UI Settings to your U: drive


7)      Edit -> Settings -> UI Settings and then click on Export Customizations




Written by Doug on June 4, 2003.

Revised by Doug on July 9, 2003